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Our Program offers you the most niches with the best conversions at the highest TRUE payout. That is a simple recipe to make you the most money possible.
Payment Options
Option One: A TRUE $50 Pay Per Signup
With PPS you collect all your money up front. You earn $50 each time any free member sent by you upgrades to a premium membership.

Option Two: 50% Recurring
We pay you 50% of the gross recurring revenue with NO DEDUCTIONS for processing or credits back to the customer. If you want to build a secure base of recurring income then this is the way to go. With the recurring option you never need to worry about it when you have a slow month of new signups as your recurring members are still there providing you monthly income.

Gross Recurring Revenue:

By You You receive
$100 $50.00
$1,000 $500.00
$10,000 $5000.00
Option Three: Up to $1.00 Per Click
Make up $1.00 per click. The better your traffic, the higher the payout. For example, if you do better than one free join per 12 visitors you get paid 14 cents per click.

You convert:

Free join to hits ratio Your Per Click Payout
<1:2 $1.00
<1:3 $0.60
<1:4 $0.46
<1:5 $0.35
<1:6 $0.30
<1:7 $0.25
<1:8 $0.21
<1:10 $0.17
<1:12 $0.14
<1:15 $0.11
<1:20 $0.085
<1:25 $0.07
<1:30 $0.06
<1:50 $0.035
<1:60 $0.025
<1:80 $0.020
<1:100 $0.015
<1:150 $0.01
1:150+ $0.00001
Option Four: Up to $10.00 Per Email
Get paid $2.00 per e-mail address plus a bonus based on your ratio.

Your bonus:

Paid join to free ratio Bonus Per Free Join
<1:3 $8
<1:6 $5
<1:11 $2
<1:16 $1
1:16+ $0
Adult Date Link provides an industry leading 3-tier webmaster referral program which means you earn a portion of all commissions that are earned by your referrals. This option pays up to $1 Per Click or $10 Per Email or $50 Per Signup or 50% Recurring, PLUS AN ADDITIONAL TWO LEVELS OF COMMISSIONS!

Tier One:


Up to $1 Per Click or $10 Per Email or $50 Per Signup or 50% Recurring
Tier Two: You Referred Sue

You Receive 10% of all Sue's Commissions

Tier Three: Sue Referred Sam

You Receive 4% of all Sam's Commissions

The amount you can earn is endless!
We Pay On Time, Every Time!

We have one of the HIGHEST CONVERSION RATES in the industry, so if you want Bigger Commission Checks, simply send more traffic!

Register Your Account Now, Click Here!